Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mark your calendar for Candle Night, December 22!

Candle night
Originally uploaded by chidorian
Wonderful! I have just learned about Candle Night.

Candle Night is a Japanese tradition that has been in place for 4 years now (where have I been?!) Two times per year, using the Summer and Winter Solstices as their mark, citizens are urged to turn off the electrical lights for 2 hours and live by candle light instead. In Japan, major department stores, TV stations, museums, hotels, all participate along with everyone at home. (Wow, that must be quite a beautiful site to see!)

The creators of Candle Night have been so successful that the concept has been embraced by the Japanese Ministry of the Enviroment (MOE) as a nation wide "lights down". MOE sees Candle Night as a great opportunity to help to raise awareness for global warming and environmental issues. (Ok, EPA, are you reading this? The U.S needs to be on this band wagon too!)

There's also something else that they are promoting, and that is PEACE on earth. So, here's a message direct from the Candle Night coordinators, "...turn off the lights and help us spread a gentle wave of candle light around the world."

Candle NIght, Winter Solstice, December 22, 2007.
Lights out for two hours, from 8 pm to 10 pm.


Carmela LaVigna Coyle said...

It's marked.

Is this also World PeaceDay?

Thea said...

I don't know, is it? I'll have to check into it...


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