Tuesday, July 10, 2007

10 Reasons I Am Loving Summer

The things I'm loving about summer.....

* The iced Mocha challenge; a self appointed survey to find the best one in town.

* Arm loads of sun flowers with heads the size of cantaloupe.

* The Pawnee Buttes and National Grasslands in NE Colorado: remote, cool (as in groovey), and so quiet that you could hear a feather drop. To find the buttes you must travel through a maze of dirt roads, past a ghost town (and it's graveyard) and turn onto a windy, rocky, narrow path. Look out for the easily scared cows who roam freely, they thought we were herding them in and almost created a stampede. YeeHa!!

* The gift of time. It's 4:30 am. I'm up with the dawn to beat the heat, the crowds, the noise. Enjoying silent, nurturing, rishi time.

* Cooking pasta for the people I love and knowing they love it even more than me.

* The "Loch" in Rocky Mountain National Park. An alpine lake with hundreds of natural water lilies that look like peonies.

* The green olive and parmesean loaf from the bakery at Whole Foods. I toast it for breakfast then hum and skip through the rest of my morning.

* Baking organic brownies and giving them away. Baking has a soothing effect on me, giving them away is good for my soul (and my waist line).

* In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed, by Carl Honore. This book takes you through the logistics of slowing down and enjoying everything more. My favorite topics: how to raise an unhurried child and city planners who are designing "slow friendly" towns.

* This lovely etching by William Adolphe Bourguereau (French, 1825-1909) above, entitled: Nymphs with Satyr, is dated 1873. When my dad was a teen in the 1940's he found this print in a trash can and thought it was nice. Amazing that he held onto it for all these years, and now he wants me to have it. Thanks Dad!


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